According to recent American research, it has been observed that there is a 13% increase in sudden cardiac arrest in people in mid-30s to mid-40s. Further, according to the Indian Heart Association, heart disease strikes Indians, at an earlier age than other populations, usually without warning. Few studies have found that Indians suffer from heart diseases at least 10 years before people in the West. Incidence of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) among youngsters are rising due to sedentary lifestyles, diabetes, increasing consumption of alcohol, smoking and hypertension.Many families are worried that the person who succumbed never smoked, or consumed alcohol, and had no vices, yet how could the incident happen to them. Its also important to note some patients, may not have any known risk factor. Therefore, there is a need to create awareness around SCA among the youth by encouraging them to get regular check-ups.In the past, some famous celebrities who were known to have a healthy lifestyle regime succumbed to heart attacks. Which makes the question all the more relevant, as to why the younger population has become more vulnerable to heart disease such as sudden cardiac arrests (SCA) and heart attacks.We know about the usual lifestyle vices that makes one predisposed to sudden cardiac arrest and heart attacksMost people who are indulged in a sedentary lifestyle that involves incessant smoking, drugs, drinking too much alcohol, obesity, lack of a balanced diet, irregular sleep cycles and being involved in a high stress work environment. These factors can increase the risk of having a sudden cardiac arrest or can lead to other medical conditions and complications too. People who have had a family history of heart diseases and diabetes may also have high chances of suffering from SCA.