Class in Session: Video Games Can Improve Literacy in Students According to the National Literacy Trust
BlackLivesMatter. We start with recognizing renewed protests in America after another black person was shot by police before getting into the study conducted by the National Literacy Trust where nearly 5,000 polled students talk about how video games have helped their ability to read and write. Here's the study: If you enjoyed the podcast, please rate and subscribe, it helps us out a ton! New episodes Monday through Friday. For daily news hits on everything in the wider esports industry, check out the Esports Minute. ( For more in-depth news check out our feature show the Esportz Network Podcast The Esports Network Podcast ( Follow Mitch on Twitter @Mitch_Reames ( Follow Esportz Network on Twitter (, Instagram (, and Facebook ( @EsportzNetwork Or visit our website ( for updates on what's to come!