Getting Better : What Goes Around Comes Around
You get back what you send out. It delivers back to you, the results of whatever you give to it. Hence, the choices you make will set in motion a chain of reactions and give you back a result corresponding to whatever that decision triggered.Quantum entanglement is thought to be one of the trickiest concepts in science, but its actually very simple. Listen to this podcast to understand that you are in complete control of your energy. What you give to the universe it will give back to you plus more than what you imagined you would get out of life.To connect, with Ritu, just drop her a message at Ajna Center for Learning:Since 1987 AJNA has provided the tools to restore balance, nurture health and well-being to create greater joy and fulfilment in life. The mission at AJNA Center for Learning is to focus on, clarify, and remove any limitations that may interfere with accomplishing our purpose in this life. Facilitate your ability to be more of what you really are and have more of what you really want.To know more about Ajna visit**The Cellular Alchemist is edited and managed by DFYP**