Ch 02 Sutra 28 to 33 | Narada Bhakti Sutra | To Kindle Love Divine | Bhakti Yoga | KrsnaKnows

 In this discourse Our Spiritual Master KrsnaKnows expounds the Bhakti Yoga Sutras (Path of Love & Devotion) of Devrishi Naradmuni. Narada Bhakti Sutra Chapter 02 - Bhakti - Love Divine - To Kindle Love Divine (Para-Bhakti Extolled) from Sutra 28 to 33. S 28: "For the Love Divine, Knowledge alone is the means", so say some Acharyas. S29: "Mutually dependent", declare others. S30: "It (Bhakti) is its own fruit", thus say the sons of Brahma, the Creator. S31: Because it is seen demonstrated as such in the examples of Palace and Dinner etc. S32: Because of it (a mere knowledge alone) neither the favour of the king nor the appeasement of hunger can ever happen. S33: Therefore, that Supreme Love for God alone is to be sought after by seekers of complete Liberation. For more: ►Subscribe us on Youtube: Our Playlists: ►Spiritual Quest: ►Narada Bhakti Sutra: ►Bhagavad Gita Exposition: ►Uddhava Gita Exposition: ►Srimad Bhagavatam Exposition: ►Guru Charitra Exposition: ►Shri Sai Satcharita Exposition: ►Spiritual Teachings In Short: Follow Us: Instagram: @krsnaknowsofficial [ ] Facebook: @KrsnaKnowsOfficial [ ] Twitter: @krsnaknows [ ] Podcast Channels: iTunes: Spotify: Google Podcasts: TuneIn: Stitcher: Books by Master: Flute of Truth: Ask Away, My Dear!:

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