#6 Coach Rene Meulensteen of Manchester United-What it Takes to Win
This week's episode gives us an inside look at what it was like to coach the famed Manchester United team that won 3 premier league titles, the UEFA Champions league, and the FIFA Club World Cup. Rene goes into detail as a first team coach about helping to create the type of mindset in each of the players that helped to win those titles and championships. There are many insights into what any coach or player can do immediately to implement the same practices and techniques. He also discusses his time coaching Christiano Ronaldo in the years he was with the club. How were they able to win so many times including many come from behind thrillers? Rene says, "You focus on the moment with what's happening and forget everything else. Forget the score, forget the bad pass that happened 60 seconds ago...you show the players that you value them and believe in them."There is a wealth of coaching highlights and tools in this conversation along with stories you would never hear except from someone with the experience and wisdom of Rene. http://theheroicmindset.com/info@theheroicmindset.com http://www.renemeulensteen.co.uk/https://www.linkedin.com/in/rene-meulensteen-12391731/