பேயாழ்வாரின் ப்ரேம பக்தி
Series of posts on Tamil-Azhwars, their ardent devotion towards SriVishnu and their contribution towards literature. In this post we talk about Peiyazhwar his prema bhakthi towards the lord, and his "Saiva Vaishnava Solidarity...ie. Abhedham..ie...he saw the unity in divinity, in the essence, concepts and forms.Read me at : http://minminipoochchigal.blogspot.com/#Sanadhanadharma , #Hinduism, #Religion, #azhwar , #Peyazhwar #பேயாழ்வார் #ஆழ்வார் #வைணவம், #ஆழ்வார்கள், #சனாதனதர்மம், #இந்துமதம் #பக்தி, #திருமால், #பெருமாள், #விஷ்ணு, #மஹாவிஷ்ணு #bhakthi , #vaishnavism , #SriVishnu, #Vishnu, #Thirumal, #Mahavishnu, #DivyaPrabandham, #Krishna, #spirituality #saivam #unityindiversity