பூதத்தாழ்வார் காட்டும் வழி
These series are brief posts on Tamil-Azhwars, their ardent devotion towards SriVishnu and their contribution towards literature. In this post we talk about some informations about bhoodath-azhwar and briefly browse the bhakthi essence in couple of thiruvandhadhis composed by great bhoodhath-azhwar. You can also Read me at : http:// minminipoochchigal.blogspot.com/#sanathanadharma , #Hinduism, #Religion, #azhwar , #bhoodhathaahzwar #பூததாழ்வார் #ஆழ்வார் #வைணவம், #ஆழ்வார்கள், #சனாதனதர்மம், #இந்துமதம் #பக்தி, #திருமால், #பெருமாள், #விஷ்ணு, #மஹாவிஷ்ணு #திருவந்தாதி #திவ்யபிரபந்தம் #bhakthi , #vaishnavism , #srivishnu , #Vishnu, #thirumal , #Mahavishnu, #Thiruvandhadhi, #Krishna #divyaprabandham #spirituality