Hospitality Real Estate Specialist Shaunak Mokashi
#DNSPodcast #Podcast #niraleeshahGet ready for an inspiring episode of the Dr. Niraalee Shah Podcast! In this latest episode, we sit down with real estate expert Mr. Shaunak Mokashi, Founder of Shaunak Mokashi Real Estate LLP. With over 10 years of experience in transaction management in the commercial and retail real estate sectors, Mr. Mokashi is a true industry leader.During our conversation, Mr. Mokashi shares his insights on account management in the client real estate portfolio, and the challenges and opportunities facing the industry today. His expertise and passion for the real estate market will leave you feeling motivated and inspired to pursue your own goals.Whether you're an aspiring real estate professional or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating field, you won't want to miss this episode of the Dr. Niraalee Shah Podcast. Tune in now to hear from Mr. Shaunak Mokashi and discover what makes him one of the most successful and respected figures in the industry! Mr. Shaunak MokashiInstagram: @mokashishaunak @Shaunak Mokashi Linkedin: @Shaunak Mokashi #drniraaleeshahpodcast #podcast #podcasts #digitalvideomarketing #audiovideopodcast #podcastinterviews #digitalbranding #digitalindia #rishabhdubey #niraaleeshah #JLL #LodhaGroup #RealEstate #RealEstateExpert #RealEstateBusiness #ShaunakMokashiRealEstateLLP #realestateeducation #vivekbindra #valuentertainment #amandhattarwal #KrisKrown #ThinkSchool #Warikoo #YashTalreja #TRS #ABCNews #Mint #Financewithsharan #Investopads #RobertKiyosaki #DanLok #TheFounder #Lordof War #MoneyMonster #DubaiRealEstate #AshneerGrower #PushkarRajThakur #danubeproperties #oyohotels #boutiquehotels #moneycontrol #hotelforsale #hotelforsaleinmumbai #5starhotelforsale #hotelonsaleinmumbai #hotelforsaleinmaharashtra #hotelforsaleinindia #resortforsaleinmumbai #resortonsaleinmumbai #hotelforsaleinbombay#hotelinmumbaiforsale #runninghotelforsaleinmumbai #resortforsaleinindia #hotelforsaleingoa #hotelforsale #hotelavailableforsale #buyhotel #buy3starhotel #buy4starhotel #buy5starhotel #resortforsale #resortforsaleingoa #resortavailableforsale #bigdaddyrealestates