Making the Right Decision and the 11th hour!
The 11th hour!Life is full of choices! Is it not a problem of plenty?We make decisions only when it is time to decide on a subject.And it is generally at the 11th hour when we are compelled to take a decision.The challenge of making decisions is predominant.No matter who you are or what you do for a living, you make thousands of minor decisions every day. That is when YES and NO both will have its own anxious and charged moments!Mind is terribly anxious and tensed up.Mind swings between - Certainty, Risk, and UncertaintyDecision fatigue is the idea that after making many decisions, a person’s ability to make additional decisions becomes worse.Through the Birth Chart, we can generally know about different phases of life but to answer a sharp and pointed question, decisively, is very tough.However, in Vedic Prashna, each question will have its discrete and distinct “razor sharp” Kundali and each question can be answered from different perspectives. Invariably the 11th Bhava becomes significant for every perspective.Therefore, the 11th hour decision and the 11th Bhava goes hand in hand.I look out for harmony and resonance in the answer to the same question from different perspectives gives me the confidence to pronounce the outcome. The guidance through Vedic Prashna Kundali super imposed on the Birth Chart will have immense and profound meaning. You are sure to get a lot of light on the subject which will help to make the right decision!Astrologer: K JagadishContact WhatsApp +91 72596 91375