Episode 26: aaramBhagurvee kShayiNee krameNa laGhvee puraa vrdhDhimathee cha pashchaath । dhinasya poorvaardhDhaparaardhDhaBhinnaa Chaayeva maithree Khalasajjanaanaam ॥

आरम्भगुर्वी क्षयिणी क्रमेण लघ्वी पुरा वृद्धिमती च पश्चात् ।दिनस्य पूर्वार्द्धपरार्द्धभिन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम् ॥aaramBhagurvee kShayiNee krameNa laGhvee puraa vrdhDhimathee cha pashchaath ।dhinasya poorvaardhDhaparaardhDhaBhinnaa Chaayeva maithree Khalasajjanaanaam ॥Meaning: Starting off thick, wearing out over timeLight at the beginning, gaining strength laterJust as shadows before noon differ from those after noonFriendships with the wicked differ from those with good people.In this episode, Dr. N. Hema Malini and Madhavi Nadig explore friendships.This subhashitha is the 49th shloka from Bhartrihari’s Neeti Shatakam.Jaipur’s Jantar Mantar includes a large sundial that is used to tell time based on the length of shadows.Madhavi’s German Shepherd is both her shadow and her best friend.Krishna and Draupadi’s friendship is well documented. Draupadi once bandaged Krishna’s wounded finger by tearing her cloth. During the infamous vastraharana, Krishna ensured Draupadi had an endless supply of garments, while her 5 mighty husbands stood helpless.When Rishi Durvasa visited the Pandavas in the forest, Draupadi didn’t have anything to offer them, despite having an akshaya patra. Yet again, Krishna helped her out.The first Sunday of August is celebrated as International Friendship Day. UN backed this in 2011 too, to promote friendships between people and across countries, as a means of promoting world peace.Kalidasa, the famous poet, and Bhoja Raja, the king of Dhara, are another pair of famous friends. Bhoja Raja requested Kalidasa to compose a charama shloka (eulogy) for him while he was alive. Kalidasa refused since he believed it would kill his friend. When Kalidasa was tricked into believing that his friend was dead, he composedअद्य धारा निराधारा निरालम्बा सरस्वती । पंडिताः खंडिताः सर्वे भोजराजे दिवंगते ॥ Today Dhara has lost it’s support and so has Goddess Saraswati. All the scholars are overcome with grief at the passing of Raja Bhoja.Since Bhoja Raja himself had tricked Kalidasa, he died as soon as Kalidasa recited this. Kalidasa modified the shloka to reflect his ideal vision and prayed to Goddess Kali to bring Bhoja Raja back to life.अद्य धारा सदाधारा सदालम्बा सरस्वती । पंडिताः मंडिताः सर्वे भोजराजे भुवंगते ॥ Today and forever is Dhara supported, as is Goddess Saraswati. All the scholars happily enjoy the benevolence of Raja Bhoja.Bharat Ratna Vidushi M. S. Subbulakshmi sang “Maitreem bhajata” on October 23, 1966 at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. The song encourages people to cultivate friendship and seek the well-being of all.What are your thoughts about friendship? When do you remember your friends?@susambhashanam on Instagram & YouTubeMusic: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/calm-reveal-logo-154643/ 

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