Episode 2: kshaNashah kaNashashchaiva vidhyaamartham cha saaDhayeth | kshaNe naShte kutho vidhyaa kaNe naShte kutho Dhanam ||

क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम् ॥kshaNashah kaNashashchaiva vidhyaamartham cha saaDhayeth |kshaNe naShte kutho vidhyaa kaNe naShte kutho Dhanam ||Meaning: Spend every moment acquiring knowledge. Save every small amount of money to accumulate wealth. If you waste moments continuously, how can you become knowledgeable? If you continue to lose small amounts of money, how can you be wealthy?In this episode, Dr. N. Hema Malini and Madhavi Nadig discuss the power and value of micro-learning, micro-savings and micro-habits.A similar Kannada proverb is “ಹನಿ ಕೂಡಿದರೆ ಹಳ್ಳ, ತೆನೆ ಕೂಡಿದರೆ ಬಳ್ಳ (hani koodidare haLLa, tene koodidare baLLa)”. This translates to “Every drop of water is essential to form a lake. Every grain and cob of corn is necessary to fill up the basket of produce sold by the farmer.”An equivalent English proverb is “Every drop of water makes the mighty ocean. Every grain of sand makes the desert land.”All three sayings try to teach us that no one becomes a scholar in a day, or turns wealthy overnight. “Slow and steady” and “small but consistent” efforts yield great results in time.Accumulating knowledge and wealth in bits and pieces is a life-long process.The pygmy small savings scheme embodies this principle.Microlearning, a popular style of learning these days, involves learning in many short bursts, each lasting a few minutes at a time.The internet makes it convenient for us to learn any topic at our own pace, committing as much or as little time as we’d like and whenever we like.Social media lends itself to the micro-learning format.Many investment schemes use the principle of building wealth over a period of time. E.g. recurring deposits (RDs) in banks, SIPs for investing in stocks and mutual funds, and the dollar cost averaging strategy of investing in stocks while minimizing the impact of daily variations in stock price.Improving by 1% daily amounts to a lot more than 365x in a year’s time, due to the power of compounding.Building up one’s professional reputation and gaining the trust of members in your network requires building trust with one individual at a time.Dr. Hema Malini hopes that each individual who is inspired by the idea in this subhashitha shares it with others and the idea spreads.Madhavi hopes to understand the wisdom encoded in Sanskrit literature one subhashitha at a time through the Subhashitha Sambhashana podcast.One can realize the benefits of exercising by doing it in short spells at various times of the day vs exercising in one long session.Which micro-habits do you plan to pick up? Let us know.madhavinadig@gmail.com | @susambhashanam (Instagram)

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