Season 1 EP 5, The Unbreakable Spirit for the Soul - Journaling to Joy
You want to listen to the very we have a special surprise for you! I sat down with Jenn LaForet who is a Canadian Publisher of E-books, notebooks and life enhancement guided reflection journals known as Bloom Notes. Jenn is the perfect guest and support resource for survivors and The Unbreakable Spirit Tribe! The Bloom Notes practice is one of celebrating moments of joy, laughter, strength, resilience, care and compassion. While Jenn was navigating the life changing event of a divorce, she started journaling with one moment a week, which translated to fifty two moments. Within this time, her greatest lesson from that year was that joy is ever-present, even when we can't see it or feel it. This episode will leave you feeling joyful, hopeful and at peace that all we need we have within!