Ep20 Bilingual Perspectives on Language Teaching: The View from the Goal
Episode 20 of the Japancasting Podcast with Prof Steve McCarty brings to you Bilingual Perspectives on Language Teaching: The View from the Goal. This is the soundtrack of an April 2023 conference presentation for the Japan Association for Language Teaching. Steve McCarty teaches Bilingualism and Intercultural Communication classes at Osaka Jogakuin University.ABSTRACT: An attainable goal for language learners is to function in plural languages according to their own needs and purposes. A bilingual perspective starts from that realistic goal. Learners in Japan tend to overly idealize L2 (second or foreign language) mastery (or being bilingual), so it becomes other people’s business. Monolingual teachers tell students by their example, “go where I have not gone,” whereas a bilingual teacher says, “come to my state of functioning.” This presentation details a paradigm shift from the predominant monolingual second language acquisition (SLA) paradigm to a developmental bilingual perspective. The slideshow is available to read while listening to the podcast, at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369825283 or to download from LINKThe presentation was also pre-recorded and posted as a video for YouTube users: https://youtu.be/F0zeEIPRIhwPublications on Bilingualism: https://japanned.hcommons.org/bilingualism/All podcasts and videos: https://japanned.hcommons.org/multimedia/