Similar Proverbs in Chinese, Japanese and English | Ep_12
Similar Proverbs in Chinese, Japanese and English | Ep_12Blog - 7-minute multilingual podcast will be of interest to those who would like to hear some Chinese and Japanese as well as the English of Asian students. Visiting a women's college in Western Japan, teaching an intensive course on Translation, there were two Chinese and two Japanese students. The project was to explain in their native language as well as in English. Five interesting English proverbs were selected, and the question was if there was a similar way of thinking in their culture. Researchers usually focus on cultural differences, but the existence of similar proverbs arising independently in the East and the West would point to universally human wisdom. The five proverbs are:Actions speak louder than wordsAdvice when most needed is least heededLook before you leapPenny wise, pound foolishIgnorance is bliss