Ep #6 | White Moonlight | Poetry Podcast | English
In this episode of “Pause for a Rhyme”, the poet while talking to the moon finds out a secret about him. Listen to the entire poem to know the secret. She reveals it in the end! All poems are written by Shaymi Shah and narrated by Urmila Devnani.Visit Shaymi Shah’s blog- https://justlittlethingsthatmatter.wordpress.comCredits: Written by Shaymi ShahNarrated by: Urmila Devnani, Co-Founder at KuroCover illustration by Harsh Sodi, Co-Founder at KuroEditing by: Jainish Soni, Co-Founder of RiffScriptMusic by: https://pixabay.com/music/solo-piano-piano-moment-9835/ (Zakhar Valaha)