What Is Wrong With Bollywood?| Part 1: Underrated Actors | Episode 5 | The Mankind Show | Hinglish
Sometimes, we need role models in our life for inspiration, and most of the time, they are Bollywood celebrities. But, it is necessary that our role models are known for their work and not merely for their looks or physical appearance. Sadly, in today's era, due to widespread media and the internet, we get easily influenced by people who do not have anything except good looks or an "attractive" bodily appearance and start seeing them as role models. We ignore the people who are actually doing their job very well and have delivered strong messages through their performances, they are underrated actors. They have struggled a lot to reach where they are today but they are vulnerable to losing their name or being replaced by somebody having good looks or good appearance. We as the audience must decide whom we want as role models for us as well as generations to come. In this episode, I have invited my friend Avi Vinodia to discuss 10 underrated actors who have not gotten the recognition and fame that they deserve.