World Down’s Syndrome Day.
On the occasion of World Down's Syndrome Day on March 21, the 36-year-old is happy and contented when she speaks of the achievements of Sayee Lohakare, 30, and Sonia Gogate, 29, who despite having Down’s Syndrome got themselves trained for the Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth examination in Bharatanatyam and cleared it in flying colors.she discovered a spark in dancing among some female students with Down's Syndrome. “The two students appeared for the first-level university dance exam and cleared the exam in first classIndividuals with Down’s Syndrome do show a very good sense of rhythm. Therefore, dance movement therapy works wonders with them. It is still not easy and takes a lot of time and consistency on the part of the therapist as well as the individual with Down’s Syndrome. Results are slow but steady,” says Ketaki,