Nekter Juice Bar: Creating The Starbucks of Juice
After a successful career in the infomercial industry, founder and CEO Steve Schulze turned his attention to the nascent juicing trend and opened the first Nekter Juice Bar in 2010. Today, the all-natural juice and smoothie franchise boasts more than 150 locations in 15 states and has grown in revenue to over $40 million. Steve sat down with Alli and Michael to explain how a fresh product and franchise model have helped it expand, tech innovation and partnerships at Nekter, and running a business with your ex-spouse. Keep up at @nekterjuicebar and @steve_schulze_official. Don't forget to follow @alliwebb for #BTS of Raising The Bar and subscribe and rate us! Use coupon code " " for $10 off your first box at Produced by Dear Media.