Secured Credit Card Vs Unsecured Credit Card.
If you have a stable monthly income, an ideal debt-to-income ratio, decent credit history and the associated credit score, then you have a fair chance of getting a credit card without any hassle. In fact, the card issuers will be behind you to provide you with a credit card. What if you’re in a contrasting scenario – you don’t have stable income, no/poor credit history or credit score or high on debit, etc. No issuer would come forward to offer you any credit card or a loan.In both the cases, if we say that you can get a credit card, would you believe it? Of course, you should, and we will tell you how.If you’re in the first scenario, with a clean financial record, you would be offered an unsecured credit card.Unfortunately, if you’re in the second situation, you will still be offered a credit card, a secured one though that comes with some strings attached.Let’s dig a little further to know the difference between secured and unsecured credit cards, how they work, and other things to consider while applying for one. Click on the link to know about secured credit card vs unsecured credit cards: