EP9 | AMI SUSEGAD! 3XP Podcast | Goa
This team with an aim to spread positivity! The word Ami Susegad means Ami- ‘We’ and Susegad can mean laid back, peaceful and satisfied, contented with life, seeing the bright side of circumstances. AMI SUSEGAD! | EP9 | 3XP Follow Ami Susegad: https://www.youtube.com/c/AmiSusegad 3ViNERS EXPRESS" (3XP) is all about content for the new aged GEN X, Consisting of webcast, podcast, whichever terms suits it well! where we cover interesting incidences, behind the scenes, interviews & much more Do drop your comments regarding the episode :) Team 3ViNERS thanks you all for all your amazing support on our core channel: https://www.instagram.com/3viners_goa 3ViNERS: https://www.youtube.com/3viners Stay tuned :) Subscribe & hit the bell icon! Team 3XP