EP4 | Socializing | 3XP PODCAST
Life on ship, veg diet, socializing, engineering, and much more! Socializing | EP4 of our podcast. Ft. Anki Vadher, Vijay Dhage & Kunal Raj Link to EP1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNBWm... Link to EP2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sulm... Link to EP3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5V_j... Ankit Vadher: https://www.instagram.com/ankit.vadhe... Kunal Raj: https://www.instagram.com/kunalraj__ Vijay Vines: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCheH... 3ViNERS: https://www.youtube.com/3viners 3ViNERS EXPRESS" (3XP) is all about content for the new aged GEN X, Consisting of webcast, podcast, whichever terms suits it well! where we cover interesting incidences, behind the scenes, interviews & much more Do drop your comments regarding the episode :) Team 3ViNERS thanks you all for all your amazing support on our core channel: https://www.instagram.com/3viners_goa3ViNERS: https://www.youtube.com/3viners Stay tuned :) Subscribe & hit the bell icon! Team 3XP