You can manage your credit cards by tracking what you owe, keeping your balances low, prioritizing high-interest cards and paying more than the minimum.Your credit card is an important tool for building credit, but it can lead to financial trouble. That's why it's so important to use your credit card wisely. If you misuse your credit or accumulate a mountain of credit card debt, you can end up in a financial hole that’s difficult to get out of.Carrying balances with high-interest rates add up and by not making payments on time, it can impact your credit score. This can then affect your ability to get loans or additional credit lines. If your credit card balance has reached a point that’s causing you stress, it’s time to take control.Click on this link to know more about how to managing credit cards: https://6225ebd1d8471.site123.me/blog/easy-guide-to-managing-your-credit-card