Vitiligo is a disease not KARMA - Shivaji Choudhary | Lt- 27
‘Face the World with Confidence’ says Shivaji Choudhary founder of #vitiligoindia breaking boundaries and making Vitiligo His Strength To Influence People.In this podcast episode of #lifietalks with #raavyasarda Shivaji Choudhary talks about the significance of Vitiligo Day, why we need more awareness about the disease and the taboo that the disease is considered to be. He said, "Vitiligo just happens, and karma has nothing to do with it.#shivajichoudhary #vitiligocure #vitiligoawareness #vitiligoindia #karma #disease #vitiligoday #youarebeautiful #peode#loveyourself s#raavyasarda #indian #global #motivation #inspiration