The Kabadiwala Solving India's waste disposal problem| Anurag Asati
In this episode of Lifietalks we have Anurag Asati founder of @The Kabadiwala a startup that works to support and improve the informal waste management system found in India The Kabadiwala helps people get rid of their household junk, including newspapers and books. Based in India, the app-based platform helps to streamline the collection of consumer waste, schedule pickups and direct the waste into the recycling network. In return, users are given cash for their scrap based on weight. The Kabadiwala says it has more than 1,50,000 registered users and helps recycle more than 10 tons of waste daily. In this episode Anurag shared with us what made him quit his job, how does Kabadiwala work and the business model. Anurag also talks about what makes Kabadiwala unique and a lot more. Please Enjoy!