Preethi Bharadwaj Embracing Environmental Dance with Trash | Reverse Talk-02
In todays podcast episode we have @Preethi Bharadwaj a young talented actress who brings together many arts forms in her performances.She is a trained Bharatnatyam dancer along with her training in Carnatic music, Nattuvangam, Contemporary dance, martial arts and body conditioning. Preethi works towards increasing environmental awareness and practices sustainability as an artist.This Ecosocial dancer and actress has a story of intense dedication to her art and her ethics.In this podcast interview we discussed -* How dance and music can make a transition to Sustainable society?* Preethi's ecofriendly choices to make your lifestyle green.* Tips to nourish your day to day Sustainable lifestyle* Challenges faced by Preethi as an Environmental explorer.--------------------#preethibharadwaj #dancer #meandmytrash #actress #environmentaldancer #actress #bangalore #raavyasarda #bharatnatyam #bharatnatyamdancers #carnaticmusic #nattuvangam #contemporarydance #trash #theatre #makingdifference #saree #jewellery #musician #reverse #reversetalk #plasticfree #wastemanagement #gogreen #recycle #reuse #waste #drywaste #raavyasarda #podcast #india #bangalore #swachhbharat #swacchbharatabhiyan #swachhbharaturban #cleancity #sustainable #YouTube #youtubeshorts #content #ecofriendly #garbage #dumptruck #trash #sustainability #wetwaste #circulareconomy #garbologist #ewaste #ewasterecycling #Indianwaste #sustainableenergy #kitchenwaste #researcher #shorts #indonasiaserver #indore #pollution #reversed