Solo Whatsapp Group
SOLO GROUP-D.R.AdinathMaking a solo WhatsApp group,Frees us to share emotions as they are.We can type or voice record,What we wantWhen we want.How we want.As and when we experience them, As they are.Doing so,Frees us from that burdenOf piling things up in our heads.Most often,We wish to communicatewith our loved ones about,sensitive concerns or burdens.But, as we are concerned,more about them.Hoping they are at work,Or feeling the time is not right.We try to push our emotions aside. Hoping to express them later.However, later we miss our true emotions, and are unable to express in full,If such an opportunity ever comes.Also, we feel a sense of incompleteness, Of not having,expressed emotions in depth.Of not getting,the matter addressed to the extent,we wanted to.All because we delayed,expressing it later.Now,Having typed a note. Having recorded a voice note. We can share it later, AFTER Reading it again, Listening to the voice note again,Maybe in the evening,Or when we feel,the time is right for all of us.Now, being in a better position,We get to think about it,rationally and realistically.And take a decision, on whether to share it or not.And eventually, We manage Situations better.Ourselves better,Everything better.This simple-harmless habit,Empowers us to address,OUR EMOTIONS BY OURSELVESAnd handle ourselves better.Inspired by Kidlin’s Law on Instagram“If you can write down the problem clearly, it is half solved.”