Is a "Sense of belonging" important?
Most often we are driven by a sense of belonging in this world.Irrespective of where we are and what we do.When I say HOME, someplace definitely flashes before our eyes.When I say FAMILY, a few dear ones certainly pace our heartbeat.Mom told me long back, What drives us back home,Is a sense of belonging. And is important to nurture an atmosphere at home, Where we feel like coming back.Where we are just Free.Cz if we are not, free at home,What’s the point in calling it home?When we call a town, a hometown, When we call,a house, a home, It is because thinking about it, brings us, people, who are waiting to see us, waiting to hear us. Deep down, it’s their EXISTENCE, that adds A SENSE OF BELONGING in this world.As time goes by, The faces vanish,There is no one back home, The drive comes to a halt.We get out of our car, We look around, We no longer see where we are heading, and there is just this long endless stretch ahead of us.At this point, not necessarily I can say We lose our way, We just lose, interest to keep driving straight.As JFK Said “Ask not what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for the country.Here I suggest, what we can do best, is to create a sense of belonging where ever we are, At work, At a new place, Among the people whom we meet, so their heart and soul feels more at HOME. Let’s nurture and grow an environment, where we all feel something, that’s beyond work and academics, and let’s call it the start of a simply blissful Life.