IPCC Report - சுற்றுசூழல் பாதுகாப்பை அலட்சியப்படுத்தும் உலக நாடுகள்! - Poovulagu SundarRajan | Politic Talk
Scientists have delivered a “final warning” on the climate crisis, as rising greenhouse gas emissions push the world to the brink of irrevocable damage that only swift and drastic action can avert.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), made up of the world’s leading climate scientists, set out the final part of its mammoth sixth assessment report on Monday.Credits:Host -Jeeva BharathiGuest: Poovulagu SundarRajan|Producer - Karthick.RPodcast Channel Executive- Prabhu VenkatPodcast network head- Niyas Ahamed. M