How to break the cycle of misery
How to break from the cycle of miseryWhat happens when you fail once?You get up, dust out and move forward as nothing happened…What happens when you fail twice?You get up, dust out and move forward but a small doubt creeps in your mind which you normally ignore and forget….What happens when you fail thrice?You get up….but this time, the doubt which you ignored last time starts taking shape of a serious question…..And….What happens when you fail multiple times?You become turtle….Instead of engaging with the problems, you shut everything off. This becomes your coping mechanism. Unless and until you are poked in a wrong way, you don’t respond to anything.This situation becomes even worse when you are a man, because neither your hormones help you nor your social upbringing.It creates a cycle of misery.You start catastrophizing everything happening not only with you but happening around you. You are making everything more miserable than actually it is or could have been…You start believing that everyone wants you to be in misery and that’s why they are either contributing to it or avoiding you.Then you start mixing these two and shut yourself up completely and become relationship wise, opportunity wise and money wise miserable. How can you break out from the cycle of misery?Acceptance: Accept that you can be in control of what is going inside you, but you can’t in complete control of what is happening outside all the time.Accept that when there are multiple dimensions of a problem and multiple people are involved, they also need to be made part of the solution. Everything can’t happen on your terms all the time and shutting off is not a solution. Engage:Engage with the problem.Engage with the people who are part of the problem and believe me, there will be fewer in number or absolutely none.Engage with the people who can be the part of solution and believe me, there will be many in numbers.Action:Find pattern of past and work on what led to wrong.Find pattern of present and work on what is leading to inertia.Find pattern of future where are aiming to go.Shutting off is not an option, shutting off is not action; it leads you towards inertia and cycle of misery. Follow the above mentioned steps of AEA(Accept, Engage and Action) to break free and bounce back in life.