Growth & Development -1
The concept of GrowthGrowth is the physical changes taken place in a human body. The increase in the height, weight, mass, color, size, numbers, kind, position, symmetry, and the physical appearance are considered as growth.Therefore, all the physical changes which are taken place in a human body taking it the size of the head and the fingers and the size of body limbs are considered to be the growth of the child.These kind of physical changes take place from birth till the end of adolescence. Hence, growth can be considered as the quantitative change happened in a human body. It is perceivable and measurable as the growth can be perceived through senses.However, these physical changes occur for a limited period of time and the pace of physical growth slows down during adolescence. Evidently, it cannot be denied that the physical changes taken place in a human body is called as growth.The Concept of DevelopmentDevelopment is the wider connotation of the changes taken place on the social, mental, physical, intellectual, psychological, sexual and lingual level. These changes occur in a set pattern making it more comprehensive.Development does not only denote the size of the brain but it also refers to the proper functioning of the brain with regards to age and mental level.As the time passes, development takes place. Therefore, it is the regarded as a continuous progress as it does not stop after a certain age. It continuously takes place even after maturation. Hence, development is a much more advanced term than growth.Development is qualitative and cannot be perceived through senses which makes it unlikely to be measured.In addition, growth itself can be considered as a part of overall development which makes development more comprehensive and complex term than growth.