#ZFCFounderTalks - Post Buying - Short Term
#ZFCFounderTalks - Post Buying - Short TermThis is a continuation of the customer experience journey. In the previous video, I spoke about the immediate steps after the purchase is made. Here, there are more of queries to explore the product and/or the service. In this video, I talk about the next step in the journey - the more time passes, the more the customer gets accustomed to the product/service. This is also a transition from queries to issues.Visit our company website - https://bit.ly/TheZanzeriaFamilyVisit Founder's Page - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeriaFollow us on social media:Company Pages:LinkedIn - https://bit.ly/TheZanzeriaFamily-LIFacebook - https://bit.ly/TheZanzeriaFamily-FBPersonal Pages:LinkedIn - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeria-LiFacebook - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeria-FBInstagram - https://bit.ly/AyazZanzeria-Insta#MADWithAZ - Make A Difference With Ayaz Zanzeria#TheJanzRocks - Rock Life Before Life Rocks You#ZFCFounderTalks - Written Words Spell; Spoken Words Tell...