OM / AUM Chanting 108 times by Subhash
The “AUM” symbol (or OM – the symbol in the center) symbolizes the Universe and the ultimate reality. It is the most important Hindu symbols. At the dawn of creation, from emptiness first emerged a syllable consisting of three letters – A-U-M (often written as OM). OM is both a visual symbol and a sacred sound or mantra which can be heard and spoken. The syllable is composed of the three sounds 'A', 'U' and 'M' – AUM. 'A'. Symbolically the three letters embody the divine energy of Shakti and its three main characteristics: (1) creation, (2) preservation, and (3) liberation. This is chanted 108 times here in this podcast.Everything around us is pulsating and vibrating—nothing is really standing still. The sound Om, when chanted, vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature. As such, AUM is the basic sound of the universe, so by chanting it, we are symbolically and physically acknowledging our connection to nature and all other living beings.Physically, the act of chanting itself can also relax our body, slow down the nervous system, and calm the mind. Lastly, chanting AUM is a way to open and close a practice—to delineate it from the rest of our day and designate it as a special time in which we care for ourselves and practice being mindful. According to the Hindu sculptures, Om connects all living beings to nature and the universe. You can chant Om silent or aloud. Om is not just a sound, it’s a wave of the universe. Om is a powerful sound that lies within us. When we chant OM or AUM as a sacred practice that helps our mind and body to energise. Sound of Om is considered sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. It is called the first sound of the universe. According to the Hindu sculptures, Om connects all living beings to nature and the universe. You can chant Om silent or aloud. There are many benefits of chanting Om. Read below to find out all the benefits of chanting Om:Good for stomachChanting Om is beneficial for your stomach health. Studies suggest that chanting Om on a regular basis relaxes the muscle of your stomach. If you have stomach ache then chanting Om will be a remedy for you.Calms your mindOm is a great tool for manifesting positive things in your life. Chanting Om calms your mind and helps you bring in positive energy into your body. You can control your anger by chanting Om on a regular basis.Reduce stress and anxietyStress lies in your mind and chanting Om can release stress from your mind. Recite Om Mantra purifies the environment around you and creates positive energy that feels you happier and stress-free. It helps you to focus and concentrate on one thing at a time.Other health benefitsChanting Om can also help you to improve your immunity system and self-healing power. A good and strong immune system can save you from many diseases. Chanting Om can give you relief from sinus problems. When you chant Om, a vibration sound felt through your vocal cord that clears and opens up the sinuses. Chanting Om also has cardiovascular benefits. It reduces stress and relaxes your body that brings down the blood pressure on the normal level and the heart beats with a regular rhythm.In short, beginning and / or ending your spiritual practice with AUM / OM can help you connect to it in a deeper way. I have chanted 108 times here in this podcast for your relaxation. Please do write to me at