Moksha - theory of Salvation, Emancipation in the light of Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology
Pitru/Pitri Paksha is a 15 day period in Hindu calendar, which is auspicious Hindus who believe in paying homage to their ancestors for their Salvation. It is done primarily through food offerings. Homage to ancestors has been an integral part of every other ancient civilization; Greeks, Romans, Mesoptemian and others. Pitri Paksha outlived the time. It is unique due to many other factors also including unity in diversity. Throughout the fortnight, from north to south and from east to west, rituals are performed with belief that it will pave the way of emancipation of their heavenly forefathers. India has always been a curious case for rest of the world due to the uniqueness. Psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists etc. both from India and abroad have done remarkable job in studying rituals and beliefs like Shraddh and Moksha. I have tried to draw a perspective from these studies and present the real picture as far as I could. Hope it gives you a fair idea of Piti Paksha, Shraddh and Moksha. Podcast is a new medium. Here we have to grow together both as an audience and content creator. If you have anything to say feel free to write to me at find me on social media platforms through @manojhazaribag - ig, fb, twitter. happy listening .