Introducing ETMA Journal: Education@ETMA
Hello friends, Greetings. Namaste.In this episode of Educational Technology and Management Academy podcasts, we introduce you to an educational Journal published by Educational Technology and Management Academy which was launched in 2022. The name of the Journal is Education@ETMA. It has been awarded an eISSN 2583-3928. It is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed triannual publication. Previously it was published under the name "Education Matter@ETMA". From 2022, it started to be published online under the name Education@ETMA for ISSN and extended the area of research and publication. The publication Language of this Journal is English.The Journal is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. In terms of publication frequency, Three issues per year that is in the month of February, June and October are published.The Education@ETMA Journal does not charge any author fee for manuscripts submitting, reviewing and publication.The latest issue, which is published as Volume 1 number 3 has many interesting and useful articles. Let me share some information about them.Dr Ramesh Sharma has authored an Editorial with the title Digital Innovations and Transformation in Education.Next article is by Fredrick Aila who as written a paper on Managing a Growing Rejection List: Lessons for Early Career Academics. Dr. Kezia Mkwizu, and Dr. Janet Kimeto in their paper identify the Challenges and Strategies for managing Customer Services Education and Tourism in the Post-COVID-19 pandemic as A Comparative Study of Tanzania and Kenya. In the next paper, Professor S P Malhotra discussed the National Education Policy 2020 of the Govt of India and how it needs to be implemented to resolve Problems in the Context of Pedagogical Approaches & Assessment. Next paper is from Brazil where authors Eder Claudio Malta Souza , Eanes dos Santos Correia, Matheus Batalha Moreira Nery, and Veleida Anahi Capua da Silva Charlot speak about "School Psychology: a Brazilian Crossroads".There is one more paper from Brazil in this issue of the Journal written by Gisele Marcia de Oliveira FREITAS, Alfredo Eurico Rodrigues Matta, and Francisca de Paula Santos da SILVA, who have explained the Youth and Adult Distance Education as An Experience at the Former Quilombo of Cabula. There is a Book Review done by doctor Chanchal Maity of the book “Reimagining our Futures Together: A New Social Contract for Education, UNESCO”.Okay friends, thank you very much for listening to this podcast of Educational Technology and Management Academy. We will keep bringing you many exciting podcasts regularly. Therefore Stay Tuned. You are welcome to suggest us topics on which you would like us to create a podcast. We shall be glad to make them. With best wishes, we are signing off for this episode. Stay healthy and blessed.