Episode 30 Season 3 : Ep. 5. Aditya Gupta, Entrepreneur, Everester & Explorer on lessons from Everest & life.

Some would call Aditya quite the risk taker. He grew up in the small town of Meerut and the odds of him running the multiple businesses that scale the globe were slim. He has achieved this through an amazing mindset and further lives his passion for adventure and even scaled Mt. Everest in 2019 after turning 50. Aditya and his companies today that touch thousands of lives in India and around the world and the lessons, insights and advice in this episode are another level altogether. You must hear and watch this one. Amongst my favourite lessons from this episode was the 40-80 rule of giving up and how not to fear scale (even that of the tallest mountain of the world). You can follow Aditya on LinkedIn on https://www.linkedin.com/in/aditya-gu...and you may also buy his amazing coffee table book where he gives the proceeds to the charity Child Relief and You (CRY) here: (As Indian Nationals): http://bit.ly/CRY-TRR (As Foreign Nationals): http://bit.ly/cry-trrThis was also the 30th episode of the Smashed Bashed Yet Not Dashed Podcast and we have had amazing guests and stories on this one already. Love to have your feedback on gaurav@gauravbhagatacademy.com You can listen to all the other episodes on all the major platforms and also on https://www.smashedbashedyetnotdashed...Our YouTube channel with the videos of all the podcasts with the likes of Grant Cardone, Bani J, Richard Dolan, Advaita Kala, Deep Kalra, Papa CJ, Nikhil Kamath and many other great guests is https://www.youtube.com/c/GauravBhaga...Enjoy this one, truly one of my favourites. Also in all my podcasts I share no questions with guests and everything is impromptu. #Everest #Shardaexports #GreatpodcastsOur other most listened to podcast episodes are: 1. Grant Cardone, the worlds number one sales coach and Billionaire entrepreneur on the SBYND podcast. Link: https://bit.ly/2N7XD0A2. Richard Dolan on the SBYND podcast Link: https://youtu.be/oO0kDcmePIw3. Nikhil Kamath Zerodha founder and Billionaire on the SBYND podcast. Link: https://youtu.be/T_NZZRCC7344. Bani J. Icon, Actress, Fitness Enthusiast on the SBYND podcast. Link: https://youtu.be/IS0XggoijXg5. Advaita Kala, author, writer and broadcaster on the SBYND Podcast Link: https://youtu.be/we7N7T2ZabIThe above and all 30 of the episodes are all very good and have had some great feedback. episode!

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