Bani J. Icon, actress, fitness enthusiast and animal lover on the SBYND Podcast.
This conversation with Bani J was one of the most amazing interactions I have ever had. Bani is an actress on the Emmy nominated hit Amazon show "four more shots please" , she also debuted as a gritty contestant on the Hit MTV show Roadies in 2006 and has never looked back since. On this podcast, Bani talks about her life journey, her love for pets, the importance of fitness and also her future plans. What stood out the most for me was her deep insights on life and the attitude that she addresses everything with. Something that everyone irrespective of age and experience would do well to listen to. Bani in time to come will truly continue to grow and shine. Watch out for her in the months and years ahead. You can follow Bani on Instagram on also watch or listen to all the amazing past episodes of the Smashed Bashed Yet Not Dashed Podcast on , the videos are on the YouTube channel of the Gaurav Bhagat Academy. Would love to have your feedback on the podcasts on or connect with me on Instagram on or on Clubhouse also on gaurav_gbaThank you and happy listening.