Season 2 Episode 8 : Nikhil Kamath, India's youngest self made Billionaire sharing his journey on the Smashed Bashed Yet not Dashed podcast.

    Nikhil Kamath, the founder of Zerodha is an exceptional entrepreneur. He dropped out of school at the age of 15 and discovered the art of trading in the stock markets.  The passion soon turned to profession and today Nikhil is India's youngest self made Billionaire.    In this episode I ask Nikhil some interesting questions that he's probably not been asked in too many of his interviews before. That comes from the perspective of me being so passionate about the stock market as well.   Nikhil in this podcast has amazing advice for youngsters and mature investors alike.  He talks about the rise of the retail investor and the disruption that True Beacon as a platform may cause in time to come.   This is one episode that everyone must listen to, irrespective of whether you like the stock market, hate it or are indifferent to it.  Get in to the mind of an exceptional entrepreneur and listen to his amazing story and how he will continue to change the world. Love to have your feedback on gaurav@gauravbhagatacademy.comFollow Nikhil on Instagram at  nikhikamathcioand Gaurav on Instagram at gaurav_gba 

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