Why this podcast isn't called Raising Children?
Every parent wants her/his child to thrive mentally, emotionally, financially; in all domains of life, right? What does it really take for a child to thrive? There's tons of advice on this topic in the world, and yet Statistics show clearly, that the rate of depression, anxiety, mental and emotional issues in teens and preteens, relationship and addiction problems, divorce rates in young adults is rising at an alarming rate. Ever wondered why? In this episode of raising parents, Saloni talks about an important piece of the puzzle that gets almost no attention when we talk about raising healthy kids - "Happy and healthy Parents". It's high time that we shift the attention and focus back from trying to fix the problems the young generation is facing and put it back on ourselves - the adults. The only way, you can help your children learn is by your own example. Rest all ways, rewards, punishments, and tactics are not going to work especially with the modern kids, generation Z, and Y with higher Intelligence and emotional quotient. Here we'll explore the best ways we can help our children learn to build emotional intelligence, resilience, mental capacity, and a positive mindset.You can find wonderful parenting tools and hacks on my blog: www.salonisingh.com and youtube channel here: www.youtube.com/c/SaloniSinghLifecoach/