#6 Selected Poetry of Jigar Moradabadi by Noman Sahuque
Urdu Ghazal is one of the most prominent forms of Urdu poetry that have survived the passage of time. The likes of Mir, Ghalib, Firaq and Dagh have taken this genre to the zenith of popularity and appeal. Despite almost eight hundred years of its existence, Ghazal hasn’t lost its sheen. Instead, it still resonates in the hearts of poetry enthusiasts with the same fervor. The word ‘Ghazal’ has its origin in Arabic and means ‘to talk to the beloved.’ Its meaning has remained a constant refrain in Urdu Ghazal poetry in spite of it undergoing several changes over the period of time. This audio-book is a collection of Ghazals by seven stalwarts of Urdu ghazal poetry. Consisting of 7 episodes, each with the name of poet, this audio-book takes you to a beautiful journey of Urdu Ghazal.