17 years Dude Discovered a planet much bigger than The Earth

Some students have ambitions, some are just relaxed and enjoying the days of their lives. But there are very few crazy guys like Wolf Cukier. Who is he? He is a student at Scarsdale High School, in New York. He is just 17 years of age. But nothing sounds special. . yeah? So, here you are. . . Wolf Cukier During summer 2019, crazy Cukier decided to travel down to Greenbelt Maryland to join an internship program. As far he was so crazy, he opted for NASA's Goddard Space Center for this internship. The first assignment for him was, to examine the variations in star brightness captured by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, known as TESS. It is a part of the Planet Hunter TESS citizen science project. This project offers scope for any civilian to help NASA to discover new planets. Mr. Cukier has shown his magic there in just three days of his internship. He discovered a new planet. Yeah, it's true and I am so sound and clear in all my senses to read and write this story for you. NASA revealed it advocating the truth of his discovery. The planet is named as " TOI 1338b" at the 235th American Astronomical Society Meeting. Cukier has said to press, “About three days into my internship, I saw a signal from a system called TOI 1338. At first I thought it was a stellar eclipse, but the timing was wrong. It turned out to be a planet. I noticed a dip, or a transit, from the TOI 1338 system, and that was the first signal of a planet”. TOI 1338b is the first planet captured by the TESS system and a crazy 17 years dude has done this. Wow. Do you know one thing? Cukier has posters of "Star Wars" and a telescope in his room. What do you think? Some people are too crazy to achieve their dream. He is the ONE here. Read this story as article : https://www.planetdb.online/post/17-years-dude-discovered-a-planet-much-bigger-than-the-earth-woow For Students :  https://www.easycareercounselling.com/ For Creator :  https://www.planetdb.online/ Durbadal Biswas https://www.planetdb.online/

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