Episode 18 - How to plan for a successful and productive week
How to plan for a successful and productive week.In today's episode, we will talk about how you can get things crossed off your to-do list and actually get around to finishing them. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE 30 DAYS OF INSTAGRAM CONTENT CALENDARhttps://dreamlifecollective.ck.page/abeeea3a91CLICK HERE TO BOOK A ONE ON ONE INSTAGRAM CONSULTING SESSION https://forms.gle/n9pFdmwiC9R7942N9CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE GOAL PLANNING WORKBOOKhttps://dreamlifecollective.ck.page/1000e82568Get to know me on Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourdreamlifecollective/ https://www.instagram.com/ishitakhattar/