Episode 210 कारण सुबह उठते ही पवित्र बाइबल क्यों पढ़ना चाहिए When to read the Bible Fr. C. George Mary Claret

#spiritualityhindi #jesus #catholicbibleसुबह उठते ही हमें पवित्र बाइबल पढ़ना चाहिए | इसके बहुत सरे करना हैं | फादर जॉर्ज मेरी क्लैरट इसके १० कारण बताते हैं | पवित्र बाइबिल हर दिन पढ़ना चाहिए ! पर सुबह उठते ही पढ़ कर देखिये इसके प्रभाव को जानेंगे !सुबह उठते ही पवित्र बाइबल पढ़ने के 10 कारण निम्न हैं :-00:11 Introduction 01:35 सबसे पहले ईश्वर की आवाज़ सुनने 03:34 पूरे दिन की सही दिशा पाने 05:36 आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाने 07:45 ईश्वर की उपस्थिति में जीने09:51 दिन की योजना बनाने11:31 आवश्यक ऊर्जा पाने13:17 एक विशेष दिन बनाने15:39 अपनी सही पहचान पाने19:26 दुनिया के नकारात्मकता का सामना करने 21:08 पूर्ण जीवन जीने22:12 ConclusionWe should read the Holy Bible as soon as we wake up in the morning. There are many things to do. Father George Marie Claret gives 10 reasons for this.The Holy Bible must be read every day! But as soon as you wake up in the morning, read and see it, you will know its effect!10 reasons to read the Holy Bible as soon as you wake up in the morning1. Listen to God first before even listening to your words (self-talk) 2. It puts us in the right perspective and direction3. It boosts confidenceo God-confidenceo Self-confidence4. It helps us to be aware of the ever-abiding God’s presence5. It helps to plan the day6. It gives the necessary energy7. To have a great dayo Anything that is begun well is half-done8. To be sure about who you areo To have proper self-identity9. To enable oneself to face the negativity around10. To live life to the maximum____________________________________________________________________You are most welcome to follow me on the following platforms. ____________________________________________________________________To understand the Incarnation (the Word made flesh), try this book by Fr. C. George Mary Claret "God’s Journey to Bethlehem: God's Way of Alluring You to Enter Into Your Heart" https://geni.us/nnB5Connect him on http://bit.ly/WebGGOGFacebook Personal http://bit.ly/FacebookGeoHindi Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/greatergloryofgodhindiEnglish Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/greatergloryofgodenglishPage http://bit.ly/GGOGFB Amazon Author Page http://bit.ly/FrGeorgeTwitter http://bit.ly/TweetGMCYouTube Hindi Channelhttps://bit.ly/3yff7efGreater Glory of God - Songshttps://bit.ly/3E9cehvInstagram https://bit.ly/frgmcinstagramLinkedIn http://bit.ly/LInGMCWattpadhttps://www.wattpad.com/user/GeorgeClaretMedium http://bit.ly/MedGMCPinterest http://bit.ly/PinCGMCTumblr http://bit.ly/TumCGMCGoodreads http://bit.ly/GoodReadsGMCQuora Space http://bit.ly/QuoraGGOGPersonal http://bit.ly/QuoraCGMCReddit http://bit.ly/RedditGMCPodmatch http://bit.ly/PodMatchApple Podcasts http://bit.ly/trinityhspiritSpotify http://bit.ly/trinityholyspiritGoogle Podcasts http://bit.ly/podcastsgoogleHindi Podcast https://bit.ly/HindiPodcastfr. george mary claret on the Bible in Hindi, archdiocese of raipur, fr. george mary claret on the bible, sermon by fr. george mary claret, fr. george mary claret on the bible hindi,

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