Episode 25 - M.A. Jinnah - Good or Evil (Part 1)

Jinnah one of the most controversial figures in the previous century in this episode let's declutter the past & know why & what made him what he was. Tune in nowMuhammad Ali Jinnah Got Full Support for His Pakistan Project From the British https://thewire.in/books/jinnah-pakistan-british-gandhi-book-review-ishtiaq-ahmedThe Tilak-Jinnah pact embodied communal harmony that is much needed in modern-day India https://scroll.in/article/968926/the-tilak-jinnah-pact-embodied-communal-harmony-that-is-much-needed-in-modern-day-indiaQuaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah : London Remembers, Aiming to capture all memorials in LondonMuhammad Ali Jinnah (mcgill.ca)Jinnah: the man, the myth and the vision - DAWN.COMJinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity (nytimes.com)Jinnah: India, Partition, Independence book by Jaswant SinghJinnah: His Successes, Failures and Role in History book by Ishtiaq AhmedWhy I killed the Mahatma: Uncovering Godse's Defence - Dr Koenraad Elst

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