Episode 2 - Que Sera Sera... What wil be, will be
We are in difficult times. This pandemic has affected the entire world, equally. Our lives have come to a standstill. Some times, we panic, Sometimes , we get anxious. We are so use to be in control of our situations but today we are not. The virus is multiplying every day and people are getting affected equally. We are not able to do anything about it. We can’t fight it. But we can do one thing. We can stay at home. We can practise social distancing. That is something we are in control of. So, let’s all of us like responsible human beings do that. Let’s educate our family members and children about the need of the hour. Let’s slow down. Stay at home. Let’s accept the situation. Let’s handle the situation sensibly. Let’s spend some quality time with our family and kids. Let’s live one day at a time. Let’s live in the present. We don’t know what our future holds. What we can’t control we should leave in the hands of the God to take care of. May be that’s what is expected of us. To trust. To trust in the divine power and let go of the fear. Let’s take this time to meditate and pray. And play with our kids. Let’s sing a song of hope Let’s forget about tomorrow. We are here today. Let’s be grateful about that. As the beautiful lines of the famous song goes, ‘The future is not for us to see. Que sera sera. What will be, will be.