Sustainable Living Practices | Tane no Chikara (Seedbed) | Saurabh Nanda | SCM Ep 18
“...people used to make everything on their own…we should have that skill…how to manage things on our own…and we are trying to do all those things on seedbed…” - Daisuke and Yuumi Meet the team behind Tane no Chikara or Seedbed! Daisuke Kaneko decided to do something about how we will today. He wanted to go back to nature and make sustainable living practices that others can follow and emulate. That is when he started Tane no Chikara, where he can put in the seeds of sustainability, with Yuumi Okuda. They had to move to Awaji, a rural island in Japan, to realise their dream. Michele, a passionate advocate of permaculture and nature conservation, found Tane no Chikara and started working with them to build earthbag houses, chemical-less agriculture and composting, creating education programs for students and young professionals in Japan. Being part of the Awaji Youth Federation in 2019, I got the golden opportunity to volunteer at Tane no Chikara, learn from the team, create conversations around SDGs and conduct corporate training modules for Japanese professionals. Know more about them - “” #awaji #TaneNoChikara #SustainableLiving #EarthBagHouses #NaturalFarming #permaculture #composting #seedbed #japan #saurabhnanda #suchconversationsmatter #careerconsultant #careeradvice #careercounselling #careercounseling #SDGs #sustainability