Ep 28: Women Entrepreneur 74th Independence Day Special with Megha Israni on #VartalaapwithAakriti

#VartalaapwithAakriti   India's Supreme Court on Tuesday, 11th Aug ruled that daughters have equal rights as sons in Hindu ancestral property. Another step towards promoting equality for women, an addition to the numerous constitutional amendments made since independence for women’s social, economic, and political benefits.   This year on the 74th Indian Independence Day, let’s celebrate women empowerment with the 2 successful women entrepreneurs of India.   Here is an exclusive conversation of Celebrity Anchor & Model Aakriti Anand with women entrepreneur, founder of Israni photography & Signature Films, Co-founder of Clique club, author, artist & Storyteller Megha Israni . . . . .  Instagram: www.instagram.com/aakritianandofficial  Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/aakritianandofficial #womenentrepreneur #74thindependenceday #india #talkshow #aakritianand #celebrityanchor #model #VartalaapwithAakriti #vartalaap #vartalaaplive #meghaisrani #womenentrepreneurs #womenofindia #indianwomen #successfulindianwomen #india #74thindependenceday #independentindianwomen #independenceday #entrepreneur #thestitchcompany #theorangecup #signaturefilms #israniphotography #iftv #igtvcreator #live #talkshow #liveinconversation #womenofindia #india

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