#VartalaapwithAakriti Ep 18: Indian Space Race with Planetary scientist Kartik Kumar
#VartalaapwithAakriti "Indian Union Government on 26th June 2020, opened up the Indian space sector for private players." What does it imply for the Indian economy and the future of the space sector in India? Where do we stand in the international space race? Here is a powerful knowledge session, where I am in conversation with Planetary Scientist, Aerospace engineer, ex Mars analogue astronaut and co-founder of Satsearch Kartik Kumar to discuss everything space! Video link: https://youtu.be/UzjUxZOgJNk Instagram : www.instagram.com/aakritianandofficial #aakritianand #celebrityanchor #model #vartalaaplive #kartikkumar #aerospaceengineer #space #spacex #spacescience #scientists #planetaryscientist #scientistsofinstagram #isro #isrospaceexhibition #spaceupdates #science #austrianspaceforum #mars #marsanalog #astronaut #nasa #india #scienceinindia #privatespacecompany #satsearchboss #satsearch #igtv #igtvcreator #instalive