A Night Before | Ismail Lakdawala & Akshay Kotecha | Season 1 Episode 1
What happens when two friends in their early twenties takes their dream of curating and making travel itineraries on an entrepreneurial level? They Xplore a lot of memories and help people Xplore the destinations a way, they had probably never imagined. In the 1st episode of Season 1 of A Night Before, we spoke with Ismail Lakdawala and Akshay Kotecha, Co-founders of Xploretheearth.com about a night before their first Commercial Trip as the travelpreneurs. Social Media Links for reference: Host: Shrungar Rughani (https://instagram.com/kitna_shrungar?igshid=piwqdejk2vr4) Guests: Ismail Lakdawala (https://instagram.com/ismaillakdawala?igshid=1vpsgxi6itxue) Akshay Kotecha (https://instagram.com/akshaynkotecha?igshid=jb29gxcygygm) Xplore The Earth (https://instagram.com/xploretheearth?igshid=1lk68ivk1nv3c) Camera: Nirali Shingala (https://instagram.com/shingalanirali?igshid=1kf7pnr2mlbm9) Editing: Jay Nathwani (https://instagram.com/jay.nathwani?igshid=u68pma682abx) Music by: Harsh Sunil Trivedi (https://instagram.com/harshsuniltrivedi?igshid=c0il55lop0yv) Do let us know your reviews about the episode and who would you like to see next on the show