EP-9 My First Date with Programming Languages
We all are experiencing the change in era of Programming languages starting from Fortran, C, embedded C, C++,Java, .net etcwe have 100+ Programming Languages starting from Procedural based to object oriented to script based languages .In this podcast I have covered the all three categories with a beautiful stories to make the concept clear for all newbies, non technical people.following concepts are covered as belowProcedural Based (C and Embedded C Programming Language for IoT)OOPs ConceptsScripting Language with less syntaxPlease follow me on Instagram@ Podcasteramit for free workshops on Embedded C,Matlab, Python, R etcCheck the oops features definition as mentioned belowAbstraction is a process where you show only “relevant” data and “hide” unnecessary details of an object from the user.Encapsulation is the process of binding object state(fields) and behaviors(methods) together in a single entity called “Class”.Inheritance is a process of defining a new class based on an existing class by extending its common data members and methods.It is the concept where an object behaves differently in different situations.Since the object takes multiple forms, it is called Polymorphism.Follow me on Instagram@podcasteramit