EP-5 Smart City Indore Rahega No1 The IoT Use Case
When it comes about the Smart City with No. 1 in cleanliness then how Indore can be a backbencher. Today, with this episode, I would let you know how IoT is getting involved in the development of the city’s facility, hospitality, transport, and various other sectors to make life easier.This episode is all about Smart City Use case for IoT which Includes #CleanCity # Indore # Smart Waste Management # Smart Food Street # Smart Traffic Management # Smart Vehicles # Smart Education # Smart Citizen # Smart Homes # Smart Garbage Bins # Smart Garbage Collectors # Robo Traffic Inspector # Smart Pani Puri ATM # Smart Vending Machines # Smart Solutions Covered following Technologies and Sensors # RFID # NFC # NB-IoT #GPS # 5G # LTE # Cloud # Robotics # UV-sensors # Ultrasonic